Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Frictionary # 1058

 Here is another page taken from The Frictionary:

10116. Curiosity is lying in wait for every secret. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

10117. Sheep have this advantage over man that they are led to slaughter without some talk of patriotism or promise of a better world. (Jean Yanne)

10118. Physics isn't a religion. If it were, we'd have a much easier time raising money. (Leon Lederman)

10119. Poetry is the faint luminosity that appears under a door. It does not save lives, but it is there. (Jean-Christophe Réhel)

10120. The greatest killer of happiness is comparison. If you must compare, compare yourself to you yesterday. (Kevin Kelly)

10121. Did God have a Jewish accent when he spoke to Moses? (Réjean Lévesque)

10122. Nature creates differences, society makes inequalities out of them. (Tahar Ben Jelloun)

10123. Fascist: current meaning "anybody whose views differ from mine." (Andrew Lack)

10124. If prayer actually worked, they would ban it in casinos. (?)

10125. When you worship the messenger, the message itself means literally nothing at all. (Robert Wade Bess)

That's all for this edition of The Frictionary. Your comments and suggestions are welcome, but commercial links will be rejected. Subscribe and receive this free weekly blog in your in-box. Have a great week!

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