Sunday, July 04, 2021

The Frictionary # 899

 Here is another page taken from The Frictionary:

8526. Wise sayings often fall on barren ground, but a kind word is never throw away. (Arthur Helps)

8527. We live with a few acres of the past, the merry lies of the present, and the furious cascade that is the future. (René Char)

8528. The biggest mistakes in history have been made by people who knew exactly what they were doing. (Ian Stewart & Jack Cohen)

8529. Memory creates time instead of freezing it. (Emmanuel Kattan)

8530. Youth is a daylily in the garden of life. (Brenda Pappillion)

8531. In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.* (Napoléon Bonaparte attr.) * The truth of this quote is verified by how most of the members of the GOP think and act.

8532. My wife tends to be melodramatic. She's a Gemini but refers to herself as "pre-Cancerous". (Brian Kiley)

8533. Of all the feelings, the most difficult to fake is pride. (Charles-Eugène de Lévis-Charlus)

8534. I thought growing old would take longer. (?)

8535. Patience is something you do, not something you are. (David Cain)

That's all for this edition of The Frictionary. Your comments and suggestions are welcome, but commercial links will be rejected. Subscribe and receive this free weekly blog in your in-box. Have a great week!

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