The Frictionary # 1084
Here is another page taken from The Frictionary:
10356. Future love does not exist. (...) Love is a present activity only. (Leo Tolstoy)
10357. Science is a self-correcting process in which bad actors and wrong ideas sooner or later get rooted out and fuzzy evidence becomes sharper. That is the joy and the beauty of the method that has made the modern world what it is. (The editors of "Nature")
10358. The two most famous phrases in the world: "I love you" and "Made in China". Note that both offer no guarantee. (Pather)
10359. I'm NOT OK, you're NOT OK - and that's OK. (William Sloane Coffin Jr.)
10360. Sculpture rests on the void. (Alberto Giacometti)
10361. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing. (Clive James)
10362. Depression is not seeing the glass half empty. It is not knowing how to fill it. (Barbutozor)
10363. Watching in the distance/ stars blink in celestial code/ wondering what do stars talk about? (Mud Queen Storm)
10364. On average, a giant panda eats 12 hours a day. A confined human eats like a panda. Hence the name: pandemic. (?)
10365. No winner believes in chance. (Friedrich Nietzsche)
That's all for this edition of The Frictionary. Your comments and suggestions are welcome, but commercial links will be rejected. Subscribe and receive this free weekly blog in your in-box. Have a great week!
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