The Frictionary # 1038
Here is another page taken from The Frictionary:
9916. Young, we think of death without waiting for it; old, we wait for it without thinking. (Maurice Chapelan)
9917. Men(...). Unable to make babies they make bombs instead. Men menstruate by shedding other people's blood. (Lucy Ellmann)
9918. Advertising cannot be objective. That is not its job. It always carries a superlative. (Jean-Jacques Stréliski)
9919. The most fantastical and unbelievable thing in The Lord of the Rings is that Legolas never stops at the arrow store once to refill. (Pat Tobin
9920. The seed hidden in the heart of the apple is an invisible orchard. (Welsh proverb)
9921. There is never enough time, unless you're serving it. (Malcolm S. Forbes)
9922. You will never get any more out of life than you expect. (Bruce Lee)
9923. The unconscious takes revenge at night. (Louis Scutenaire)
9924. If we are made in God's image...shouldn't we be invisible? (?)
9925. Kids don't leave school because we didn't give them enough facts, but because they didn't find any meaning in them. (Gertrude Moskowitz)
That's all for this edition of The Frictionary. Your comments and suggestions are welcome, but commercial links will be rejected. Subscribe and receive this free weekly blog in your in-box. Have a great week!
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