Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Frictionary # 858

 Here is another page taken from The Frictionary:

8116. Grief is just love with no place to go. (Jamie Anderson)

8117. Being modest often hides lucid mediocrity. (José Artur)

8118. Every star is just a cell in the brain of the universe. (David Weir "Space 1999")

8119. We make a living by working. We only get rich by making others work. (Octave Mirbeau)

8120. Rage is simply one of the masks that heartbreak wears. (Parker Palmer)

8121. Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. (Plato)

8122. What comes out of you when you are squeezed is what is inside of you.* (Wayne Dyer) * What comes out of Trump?

8123. Rain/ is the slow suicide/ of clouds. (Positively Wyrde)

8124. Had-been: Former has-been. (Michel Lauzière)

8125. A computer lets you make mistakes faster than any other invention with the possible exception of handguns and tequila. (Mitch Radcliffe)

That's all for this edition of The Frictionary. Your comments and suggestions are welcome, but commercial links will be rejected. Subscribe and receive this free weekly blog in your in-box. Have a great week!

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